Who should

Bridging, Development, Mezz Equity,Term Exit & BTL

There are thousands of Bridging, Senior Debt, Mezz, JV Equity, Term and BTL funders across the U.K., Europe and indeed Internationally. Here’s a chance to connect with some of them. Don't just pitch your latest site - pitch yourself and your whole pipeline for debt and equity. Find that right term exit for your fully completed income earning property; or acquire investment property with the support of a BTL lender.

There will also be Forward/Golden brick funders. A golden opportunity indeed.

Cash-Flow & Asset Finance

See presentations on the very latest working capital products and meet a number of specialist Cashflow and Asset Finance Lenders who are experienced in the construction sector.

Project Advice

Receive informal advice from professional firms attending. These range from Solicitors, Valuers, QS/IMS, Structural engineers, Site remediators, Planners, Architects, Accountants, Insolvency Practitioners and Wealth Managers, (to name a few). Or attend the themed round tables.

Construction Products & Services

See the latest construction tech, products and services in the Innovative Supply Chain area – designed, to save time and cost, maximise value from your projects; or improve sustainability, safety or compliance. There are a number of highly innovative products and services from UK and International sources.

We are also hosting an AI in Real Estate and Construction competition.

See the AI competition section and video.


The main presentations will be in the auditorium, where you will be able to watch and engage with experts in their field via Q&A. The presentations will include a selection of:

  • Equity and JV Partnerships
  • Bridging
  • Senior Development Debt
  • Mezzanine
  • Term Exits & BTL
  • Forward Buying & Pre-sales
  • Land and Property Pitches
  • Planning
  • Off Site Construction
  • Construction Materials innovation
  • Steel Frame
  • PBSA
  • Co-Living
  • PDR
  • Maximising ROC on Residential Development
  • Specialist Assets
  • Funding of Energy Projects

You will also be able to see pitches from the AI in real estate and construction competitors and project pitches from those seeking renewable funding.

Exhibition Halls

You will have the opportunity to visit a number of exhibition halls, which use state of the art technology to make it easy to select which Exhibitors you want to invest time in.

Funder Roundtables

Real Estate Investors and Lenders plus Cashflow/Asset Finance Lenders will host these.

Themed Roundtables

These will be based on themes such as Winning planning on difficult sites, Planning appeals, Land finding software tech, Project cost reduction, Legal structure of JV contracts, Creating Leases effectively, Ground Rent and Service Charges, Data-Centre site sourcing and equity, Practical solar Installation, Incorporating EV charging on-site as an investment, Use of Battery tech on site, Developer strategy on term or LTV breaches, How to handle cost overruns, Remediation, PRS and BTR, Land Flipping, Maximising ROC on tart and turns, PBSA Accommodation management , Mixed Use schemes, Investment Portfolio Management, Tax efficient SPVS, Debt restructure – avoiding insolvency. Innovative construction techniques, Effective Sale of Property inter-company. Effective recruitment and retention of construction staff, Recruiting offshore, Hotel development finance and Term exits, Risk Mitigation using Insurance – Corporate, site and directors, Latest site project appraisal software, Funding of logistics and warehouses, Using Supply Chain, and Invoice Finance effectively, Compliant Green Boilers, Ground and Air source heat pump tech, Timber Frame tech, Offsite construction tech, Wealth Management, Other sources of Funding for large developers – Bond, Fund, REIT and AIM listings. Use of Hydrogen as a primary power source on-site, Materials innovation, Buying from International Suppliers – how to finance. How to move up from Tart and turn to new build, Understanding Waterfalls on JV Funding, Effective relationship funding via RCF and hunting licenses. Use of second charges to raise equity, Share-charge funding – raising cash on listed shares.

We will reach out well in advance of the event and take feedback on which Roundtables you wish us to include.

Networking Lounge

Access to Smart Networking with any attendee, exhibitor or sponsor

Live Event Manager Deal support

Tell us what you want to achieve from the Expo and our team will help.
